Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines Day...with baby

We celebrated our first Valentines Day as parents last night.

It was a beautiful day. We spent the morning with our Christ Church Community (love. those. people.). We had lunch with some wonderful friends, then retired to our outdoor swing to enjoy the beautiful weather.

This is what is left of our Valentine's Dinner...

We decided to have steaks, baked potatoes, chocolate covered strawberries and some red wine for dinner. The ninja slept soundly throughout the entire afternoon, trip to the grocery, and even the cooking and dinner preparation.

I lit candles to set the romantic valentine's mood we have grown accustomed to over our last 7 years together and set the table...just as Dave swished through the door with perfectly pink meat. And just as we finished garnishing our potatoes with baco's and butter...we were reminded that we were no longer alone.

It all started with a sweet and simple: "Oh she just needs to eat..." One may think this detracted from our romanticism, but oh no...we Forman's are opportunists. So, while I bottle-fed our little one, Dave fed me!

Unfortunately, we new parents are still learning our wee one's cries. This resulted in us overfeeding our sweet girl. This, in turn, resulted in a 2 hour scream fest until she finally had one giant spit up - covering the right leg of my jeans, part of our couch and one of our couch cushions. Somehow, she managed to miss herself entirely. Now that's talent.

They say not to cry over spilled milk. What about crying over spilled breastmilk? Can I cry over that?! Thankfully, we were both able to take deep breaths. Dave sopped up the spilled "gold" and I lulled our little one to sleep. It only took another half hour, 3 "cross your fingers I think she's finally settled...", and her first "taking" of the pacifier..but she finally closed her sweet eyes and big mouth (got that from mama), and drifted off.

I will now sing the praises of the following:
1. A helpful husband
2. Pacifiers
3. Red Wine

I could be super spiritual and mention how much we prayed for peace and wisdom through this ordeal, but that would be way to serious for this posting. Perhaps tomorrow? was your Valentine's Day?

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Julie!!! You have officially been initiated into romance with young children. How sweet of Norah to initiate you in such an unforgettable way! ;)

    And Yes. Yes you may cry over spilled breastmilk. It is pure liquid GOLD!! Cry. Scream. and if you must, cuss. (under your breath of little ears are listening now...) :)
