Saturday, April 16, 2011

How do you rest?

A question that the hubs and I have often posed to one another is: "How do you rest?" The question is continually directed toward me, as, I find it hard to rest. I find it hard to find how I rest.

Most people can tell you something that revives their spirit.

If I can just get a cup of tea and curl up in that chair...

I need a bubble bath and a glass of Shiraz...

Coffee at that shop on the corner, wrapped up in the scents, calming music and my favorite book...

Candlelit dinner with my love...Gardening...driving...playing my instrument...painting...scrapbooking... day...shall I go on??

Yet, here I sit. 24 hours ago, I was crying and yelling at my soulmate. Because. I. Can't. Rest. I can't find that magical one thing that revives my spirit and helps me feel centered again. He is more than willing to watch our child so I can "get out." But, the question always sits heavy. A bowling bowl that leaves the hand wrong on its journey down the lane. Dropping with a mighty thud on the wood. What is my thing I want to do?

And here I find myself. Planted behind my keyboard. Typing. Words flowing. And weight lifting. Could this be the thing? The thing I can do to find release and rest in the midst of my crazy "un-restful" moments? Or could it be a mixture of all of the above? The gardening, pedicures, wine and these words, all mixed together in a beautiful life casserole. All the flavors are always present, but consistently changing based on the bite you take.

I don't have a clean ending to this post for I am continually in process. Thanks for journeying along with me.


  1. All those things that are supposed to be relaxing are hard for me too. I try to take a bath but end up feeling like I need to read or shave my legs while I'm in there! I can't even relax during the "corpse pose" in yoga. I'm with you...

  2. You must remember you have been through a lot of changes lately...duh! And your body has been through lots of changes too. But I am with you on a nice bubble bath, a glass of wine, and maybe some aromatherapy candles would be nice.
