Wednesday, October 21, 2009

God's will or our sin?

How often do we sit back and blame God's "plan" on our decisions? We make decisions that are not in alignment with his heart for us, not within the guidelines he has determined, and then when the consequences come we sigh with resignation saying "I guess this is God's plan..."

Sometimes I want to stand back and scream, NO. This is NOT God's prefect plan. It's the consequence of a sinful decision. Did God know it was coming? Yes. Can he work within it? Of course. But was it his plan? No. Our sinful decisions lead us down paths that lead different ways than we maybe had hoped or planned, but how can we walk the road of sin and then point the finger at God and say "You did this?"

It reminds me somewhat of Adam in the garden. He and Eve had just sinned, eating the forbidden fruit. Yahweh comes walking through the garden, looking for them. Respectfully, he asks Adam why they were hiding. And Adam all but wags his finger in the face of God: "..the woman you gave me..." Its as if Adam is saying its all God's fault that they ate the fruit. Adam passively suggest that if God had not given Adam his completion in Eve, then Adam would never have fallen from perfect unity with God.

We read the account and scoff at Adam's ridiculousness. We wish he had never eaten the fruit. Yet, we consistently do the exact same thing! We stare down the consequences of sinful behavior and look back at God assuming this must be his heart because 'here we are.' I am thankful for the grace he relentlessly extends to me, even in the midst of utter moral failure.

I am open to discussion on this one because it really has be somewhat baffled.

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